Welcome to The Tao of Tom (Me)

Okay, I've had a number of false starts to this thing, mainly because I already write quite a bit elsewhere, and there's a limit to how much I can talk about myself.

This is intended to be a very infrequently updated blog. I will mainly use this to post notes and pictures that I wouldn't normally do in other venues.

A special welcome to my friends at the Usenet group soc.sexuality.general (ssg) who normally have to put up with my meandering writings, my dry humor, and my intolerable puns and limericks. I think that this would be a more appropriate place to post those pics that I keep threatening to make public.. my own, especially.

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Welcome and goodbye

Unfortunately, The Tao of Tom is no longer my main blog, so you'll have to click a few more times to read what you probably came here to see.

My main blog:
The Edge of Vanilla.

Some interesting pictures which you might enjoy:
The Edgier Vanilla.

A nice list of other blogs about male chastity:

A great web forum where you can discuss male chastity:
Chastity Forums.

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